Beauty of tulips
Oh my! Oh my!
What a thing
Look at those beautiful flowers mom
Having such a colourful ring
These are tulips dear, said mum
They have beautiful features
As well as cute colors
You see these are god made creatures.
What a beauty
It’s looking as a fairytale come true
With it’s silver and green tail
A ship is coming with it’s captain and crew.
It flowers in April and May
With the first stroke of sun
Sunshine is all over the land
With children doing a shot run.
                                                          Jahnavi Bhuptani

new poem


Got my weekly mag
Wrapped in a polybag
Set me thinking, do we really need
This polybag that becomes cow’s feed
And makes her suffocate and die.
No, No! Let the world hear my anguished cry.
Say no to this plastic waste
Pick up a paper bag and improve your taste
Down with polybag , is the need of time
To use more plastic is a crime.
My shampoo bottles, my grocery and my tube of paste
Use plastic and add up to this waste
This way we are inviting environmental crisis
Plastic will kill us unless we make haste.

                                                         Smitul Vachhani VD                                          


Look Outside, see the trees
Watch the flowers in the breeze
Things won’t be like this in a year or two
If polluting is all we do
Seize the night
Seize the day
Things won’t always be this way
Thousands of people are dying
In the night you hear children crying
Let’s stop the war
Our people are sore
The world can’t help itself Who cares about your wealth Help me to help you
Show the world what you can do.
                                              HIYA ROY VD

Friend or foe 

images (2) for dhruv

Do you think our next generation will be living a very peace
life? If yes, you are wrong; if you live in a city then you would
be aware of the problems in city. One of those major problems
is deforestation. Now not only in city but for more
development man has reached to the forest to cut down trees
Is development more important than one of our most excellent
gift that god has given us? Every part of a tree is very use
whether it the root or the stem. It is the home to thousands
of the species of living creatures which include animals, birds
and insects. Man is destroying the forest which is the home to
so many tribes living there. Are trees our enemy that we don’t
need them? We should keep planting trees and fight for the
forests to make our life better.

image 3

                                                Dhruv Tarsadia VF

Happy M.S. , P. , L.

Makara Sankranti (It is a sanskrit word) is the
 harvest festival of India. Sankrantimeans transmigration 
of Sun from one Rashi (zodiac in Indian astrology) to the other. 
Hence there are 12 such Sankrantis in all.
 But the transition of Sun from ‘Dhanu’ Rasi (Sagittarius) to
 ‘Makara’ Rasi (Capricorn) marks the starting ofUttarayana 
which means northern movement of Sun.
 Since Uttarayana is considered as auspicious time, 
Makara Sankranti is celebrated as the beginning of that period 
It is celebrated by many cultures in different manners.
Makar Sankranti is one of the most auspicious days for the Hindus 
and is celebrated in almost all parts of India in myriad cultural forms, with great devotion. 
Millions of people take a dip in places like 
Ganga Sagar (point where the river Ganga meets the Bay of Bengal) 
and Prayag and pray to the Sun God (Surya).and in Punjab as Lohri and Maghi.
In the western Indian state of Gujarat, the celebrations are even bigger. 
People offer thousands of their colorful oblations to the Sun in the form of beautiful kites. 
The act stands as a metaphor for reaching to their beloved God,
 the one who represents the best. Makar Sankranthi also happens to be the day on whichBhishma
the grand sire of Pandavas and Kauravas from the epic Mahabharatavoluntarily left his mortal coil. 
This day is also very special for women of southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
 Unmarried women here pray in hope of getting a good husband or for longevity of their husbands, in case of married women.
 Gujaratis are the most prominent in celebrating Uttarayana, 
by flying kites all overGujarat, Rajsthan  and in Mumbai,
Uttarayana  is the six month period between Makar Sankranti around (January 14
and Karka Sankranti around (July 14), when the Sun travels towards north on the celestial sphere.                                                                 
The period from July 14 to January 14 is known is Dakshinayana
 The starting of Uttarayana is celebrated as Makara Sankranti throughout India, which is declared as National festival by Government of India 
Sankranthi is the most important festival of Telugu people
like Deepavali is forTamil people.  
It is celebrated with pomp in southern parts of India as Pongal,
Friends have fun celebrating this makar sakaranti
 but be careful and try to help needy  amd
 less fortunate on this festive  day. As this is the day to give.

                                                                              Class VD

Facts About Light

The speed of light is generally rounded down to 186,000 miles per second. In exact terms it is 299,792,458 m/s (metres per second – that is equal to 186, 287.49 miles per second).

It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth.

Every second around 100 lightning bolts strike the Earth.

Every year lightning kills 1000 people.

The currently accepted value is 299 792 km/s based on several measurements.

Red, green and blue are the primary colours of light. Mixing them in various ways will make all other colours, including white.

Light is a form of energy which our sense of sight can detect. It is made of electro-magnetic radiation and travels in a straight path.

The bending of light as it passes from one transparent substance to another, like air to water, is called refraction.

When sunlight is intercepted by a drop of water in the atmosphere, some of the light refracts into the drop, reflects from the drop’s inner surface, and then refracts out of the drop. The first refraction separates the sunlight into its component colours, and the second refraction increases the separation. The result is a rainbow.

There are different colours of light because they are light waves which have different wavelengths. Red light has the longest wavelength while violet light has the shortest wavelength.

The light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison.

When you turn on a light bulb only 10 per cent of the electricity used is turned into light, the other 90 per cent is wasted as heat.

Low energy light bulbs last on average up to 12 times longer than traditional fluorescent bulbs.

Low energy light bulbs last on average up to 12 times longer than traditional fluorescent bulbs.

A heavy coat of dust can block up to half of the light.

                                                                                                                                                              Shivi Khanna  VI E

37 Responses to STUDENTS CORNER

  1. chirag says:

    nice information

  2. devam says:

    first electric train was ran in 1879 inberlin germany

  3. devam says:

    a train named TGV 300kph

  4. devam says:

    RUDOLF DISEL was first demonstrated in 1898 in GERMANY

  5. devam says:

    universe is endless

  6. devam says:

    the smallest galaxies contains about 100,000 stars

  7. devam says:

    the largest galaxy contains up to 3,000 billion stars

  8. devam says:

    the core’s temprature is between 4000 degree C 5000 degree C

  9. aashna says:

    mam did you got the mail which i had send yesterday?

  10. Nitya Desai says:

    MA’AM I am not getting that Page in which you have put the experiments

  11. smitul says:

    these are amazing !

  12. aashna says:


  13. smit says:

    It was very nice

  14. daksh says:

    these facts are amazing mam

  15. aarya says:

    ma’am aashna &smitul say right these really give us knowledge .

  16. aashna says:

    pics are clear and nice

  17. aashna says:

    did u got the mail which i had send you yesterday?

  18. asembly pics!
    anh!so good

  19. smit says:

    I saw all thease

  20. jahnavi B says:

    nice facts ma’am

  21. jahnavi bhuptani says:

    good facts

  22. jahnavi bhuptani says:

    there is a good news!! I got a distinction in my music exams!!

  23. Aastha Goswami says:

    Thank you ma’am to post such inspiring things on blog. Keep posting to inspire us. Aastha Goswami V-C

  24. dhruv mittal says:

    mam i saw video on pollution it very nice it is having all the points on land pollution ,air pollution,water pollution,noise pollution

  25. ananya nanwani says:

    very nice photograph thank you
    ananya nandwani-5-d

  26. vaidehi 5-c says:

    i got much information of pollution by seeing these videos THANKYOU MAM

  27. Riya Chaudhari. says:

    Mam the videos are so nice and informative. Thank u for posting and keep on posting informative videos!

  28. hiya says:

    Look Outside, see the trees
    Watch the flowers in the breeze
    Things won’t be like this in a year or two
    If polluting is all we do
    Seize the night
    Seize the day
    Things won’t always be this way
    Thousands of people are dying
    In the night you hear children crying
    Let’s stop the war
    Our people are sore
    The world can’t help itself
    Who cares about your wealth
    Help me to help you
    Show the world what you can do.

  29. hiya says:

    I wanted my poem to be sent on your website but it didn’t i posted it over here!

  30. smitul says:


    Got my weekly mag

    Wrapped in a polybag

    Set me thinking, do we really need

    This polybag that becomes cow’s feed

    And makes her suffocate and die.

    No, No! Let the world hear my anguished cry.

    Say no to this plastic waste

    Pick up a paper bag and improve your taste

    Down with polybag , is the need of time

    To use more plastic is a crime.

    My shampoo bottles, my grocery and my tube of paste

    Use plastic and add up to this waste

    This way we are inviting environmental crisis

    Plastic will kill us unless we make haste.

  31. smitul says:

    mam i wanted to give you that poem on say no to plastic but could not.
    so I wrote it just as hiyaroy did.
    if you like it then post it in the studnts corner.
    yours respectful
    smitul vachhani class vd

  32. hiya says:

    bharati mam my exhibition info. circular is lost so can i get the timinings my roll no. is 14.

  33. aarya says:

    ma’am and to other friends/schoolmates -i liked it

  34. tanay says:

    thanks for teaching us

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